Vaikeutuneen koronatilanteen vuoksi pyydämme sinua erityisesti huomioimaan seuraavan: Tulethan paikalle vain terveenä ja asianmukaisella rokotussuojalla koronaa vastaan. Noudata seminaarin järjestäjien terveysturvallisuusohjeita tilaisuudessa (maskinkäyttöä edellytetään kaikilta sisätiloissa, paitsi ruokaillessa, käsidesin käyttö ja turvavälit). / Please come to the venue place only if you’re healthy and use a mask and safety gaps whenever possible.

Seminaari pidetään Kalastajatorpan konferenssi- ja tapahtumakeskuksen Siirtomaasalissa. Lounas ja illallinen tarjoillaan Pyöreässä Salissa. Ks. tulo-ohjeet. / The seminar is held in the conference and event center of Kalastajatorppa in Siirtomaasali (Colony Hall). Lunch and dinner are served in the Pyöreä Sali (Round Hall). See travel Instructions

(Ohjelmaan voi tulla muutoksia. / Subject to changes.)

Tuesday 16 November 2021

8.00–9.15Registration and coffee
9.15–9.30Opening and introduction of the Conference & Words of welcomeProf. emer. Jorma Rantanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Marketing Director Peter Lindström, Orion Corporation Orion Pharma
SESSION I: New international policies and strategies for occupational health in the era of globalization with special reference to current situation in recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic through occupational health research, training and practices
9.30-9.50WHO global action on occupational health – Update and priorities for 2022-2023Dr. Ivan Ivanov, WHO Geneva, Switzerland
9.50-10.10ILO OSH policies and actions (extended abstract)Dr. Shengli Niu, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland
10.10-10.30ICOH View of Policies, Current and Post-pandemic Future of Work (extended abstract)Prof. Jukka Takala, President ICOH, Finland
10.30-10.50BREAK Social networking & Exhibition
10.50-11.10Policies and actions of China (extended abstract)Prof. Zhang Min, School of Public Health, Peking Medical College, PUMC, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, CAMS
11.10-11.30Policies and actions of the Republic of KoreaProf. Dooyoung Park, Hansung University, President of KOSHA, Seoul, Korea
11.30-11.50A methodological framework for risk assessment of Covid-19 in the workplace to guide the prevention strategies in Italy (extended abstract)Dr. Fabio Boccuni, ICOH, Italy
11.50-12.10Policies and actions of FinlandProf. Kari Reijula, University of Helsinki, Finland & Dr. Kristiina Mukala, Ministerial Councellor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
12.10-12.25Presentation of Orion Corporation Orion Corporation Orion Pharma
12.25-13.25LUNCH Social networking & Exhibition in Pyöreä Sali
SESSION II. New trends in occupational health, occupational medicine and occupational health services
13.25-13.45The Modernet – an international effort for finding new occupational diseasesProf. Lode Godderis, University of Leuven, Belgium
13.45-14.05Identification of new causes of occupational disease: The THOR network and allied approaches (extended abstract)Raymond Agius, University of Manchester, UK
14.05-14.25New strategies for Universal Occupational Health Coverage, UOHCDr. Rokho Kim, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
14.25-14.55ICOH Global Strategies on Occupational Health ServiceDr. Diana Gagliardi, INAIL, Italy
14.55-16.00COFFEE & TEA Poster Session, Social networking & Exhibition
16.00-16.30Occupational health and work in COVID-19 and post-COVIDProf. emer. Jorma Rantanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
16.30-17.00 Summary of the DayProf. emer. Jorma Rantanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
19.00-DINNER in Pyöreä Sali

Wednesday 17 November 2021

8.00-9.00 Registration and coffee
Session III New education and training strategies, models, and solutions
9.00-9.30ILO list of occupational diseases and the new Guidebook on diagnosis, recognition and prevention of occupational diseases Dr. Shengli Niu, ILO & Prof. Claudio Colosio, University of Milan, Italy
9.30-10.00 Medical specialist training for occupational health in FinlandProf. Leena Ala-Mursula, University of Oulu
10.00-10.20European Union of Medical Schools, UEMS, Section of Occupational Medicine. Mission, new strategies and activities on Education and Training in Occupational MedicineProf. Alenka Skerjank, President, UEMS Section of Occupational Medicine, Slovenia
10.20-10.40EASOM’s mission and OM education and training before and after COVID-19 pandemic (extended abstract)Prof. Begoña Martínez-Jarreta, University of Zaragoza, EASOM, Spain
10.40-10.55 Presentation of Orion Corporation Orion Corporation Orion Pharma
10.55-11.15 BREAK Social networking & Exhibition in Pyöreä Sali
11.15-11.45New trends in occupational hygieneProf. Dooyoung Park, Hansung University, President of KOSHA, Korea
11.45-13.45LUNCH Poster Session, Social networking & Exhibition in Pyöreä Sali
13.45-14.00 Presentation of Orion Corporation Orion Corporation Orion Pharma
Session IV
14.00-14.20New trends in Occupational PsychologyProf. Minna Huotilainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
14.20-14.40New challenges and trends in ergonomics and human factors (extended abstract)Prof. Clas Håkan Nygård, Tampere University
14.40-15.15Future perspectives for the impact of technologies on work, occupational health and safety (extended abstract)Dr. Paul Schulte, NIOSH, USA
15.15-15.45 COFFEE & TEA BREAK Social networking & Exhibition
Session IV. Conclusions and closure
15.45-17.15Panel discussion: Challenges from Changing World of Work to Education and Training in Occupational HealthAll speakers, moderated by Jorma Rantanen and Jukka Takala
17.15-17.30Conclusions and recommendationsKari Reijula, Jorma Rantanen and Jukka Takala